About Me

Hello, I’m S.G., and I have two great loves – movies and lists. For no particular reason, I decided in 2013 to compile a list of my top 300 films, basically for my own peace of mind and compulsive satisfaction. I don’t know if anyone else has done such a seemingly useless thing, but it was suggested to me that perhaps I ought to do something with it that, while not necessarily useful, would at least serve as a creative outlet.

Thus I expanded the list to 365 and spent the whole of 2014 (and then some) counting down my list with one film review per day, as best as I could manage. Another great love of mine is poetry so, in order to set my blog apart and stretch my literary muscles, I wrote a summary of each film in verse to accompany the review. Though my list was completed (see the link above to view the full list), there are still plenty of films out there to poetize, summarize, pick apart, admire, and generally review, and it’s just too much fun for me to quit. I’m still reviewing, though at a much more relaxed pace, and comparing all viewed films to my prior list, judging them on whether they’re worthy to join my Top 365. They are either List-Worthy, List Runner-Up, Honorable Mention, Dishonorable Mention, or Bottom-Dwellers, which are a small number of films (six thus far) that I genuinely despise. (My original list used a different number-based ranking system that I’ve since retired in favor of this simpler approach.)

Now, let me just preface this blog with what readers can expect. I am not a film critic, though I wouldn’t mind being one someday; I am simply a film lover. My list is not a repeat of Roger Ebert’s list or Leonard Maltin’s or AFI’s. Mine is a personal list of favorite films (as of the end of 2013), balancing artistic expression, originality, repeated watchability, and good ol’ entertainment value. Many will probably disagree with it (that’s all right), but it’s mine.

I am also a college-aged, conservative, Christian man with a corresponding worldview. Thus, you won’t find much Tarantino or Scorsese or horror or gratuitously violent, pornographic, or profane films. That being said, it will also not be a list of low-budget Christian films that no one has ever heard of. This list and blog are an amalgamation of nearly every genre. R-rated action films will stand alongside light-hearted family fare. Blockbusters will rub elbows with box-office bombs. Multiple Oscar winners will keep company with films the Academy probably hasn’t even heard of. Animated gems will hold hands with gripping dramas. Romantic comedies will leapfrog with post-apocalyptic sci-fi! The lion will lie down with the lamb, and so forth. Trust me, even if you disagree with most of the list, there’ll be some good stuff on here for everyone.

Also, though I’m not the Doctor, I will have a companion on my journey through films past and present. This Viewing Companion (VC) will see many of the films on the list and offer a different perspective than my own, a woman’s perspective, which every self-respecting man ought to heed (to some extent). She probably disagrees with my list too, but that’s okay.

I honestly don’t know if anyone but my family will read this, and, whether they do or not, this blog (as I’ve said) is to prove to myself that I can do something this big and long-term. It’s both a writing exercise and some good old fashioned film appreciation. Thanks for reading!


24 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. “Puttin on the Ritz” Loved Peter Boyle. couldn’t help but think of that song and dance routine every time he showed up on “Raymond”.

  2. Pingback: 1776 (1972) |

  3. Excellent review on The Searchers over at Movie Rob! Fantastic movie!

  4. Hey SG, I have nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award! If you would like to participate, details can be found here: https://drewreviewmovies.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/a-gift-from-wolftsor-the-mystery-blogger-award/

  5. Wow! I can tell your blog is a labor of love. We have so much in common. Movies and lists describe my life perfectly. 😀

  6. Wow!! 365 Films!!!! If we watch one film on your list per day, we’d finish them all in exactly One Year!!

    You’ve been blogging since 2013?? Am surprised how our paths haven’t crossed before!! Glad to come across your Blog!!

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